
Hello Teams!

Did you subscribe your team to come to any of the 12 hosting cities?
If you didn´t, you still have time!
Here is some information. Please, take a look and pray, and then pick a city to go with your team!

After this you can subscribe your team on the Kickoff webpage... We are waiting for you!

If you have questions or comments, don´t stop asking!!! We are here to help you!

Do you need a hand preparing your outreach? Here are some ideas...

We hope you be excited with all the activities that are developing for the 2014 World Cup! Maybe you have already planned some different evangelism strategies, and that´s GREAT!

But... just in case you need a little help, here we have some ideas that would be helpful for you!

Take a look in the list below, and use what ever is best for your team and your resources...

And (of course), any good idea about evangelism or other activities that you are developing, is going to be welcome! Share your ideas with us to our FB page, and help other teams that are coming to get ready!

  • Prayer Guide: You can have an intercession time with your teams, on the "PRAYER" page in this blog you´ll find some material to use as a guide for intercession and prayer.

  •  24/7  Prayer Rooms: Sign your team to pray and intercede in any of IHOP - Exodus Cry Prayer room. There are almost one room in every host city. Take a look at "CONTACT" page and get in contact with the prayer room in the city you will go to arrange a date!

  • Freeze Actions in Traffic Lights: take a look here. This is an example what we have done in one of our "Pre-Copa" evangelism events.

  • Handcrafts Office: This is always a great idea to work with kids...
    • Make your Flag: Make the flag of the countries that are participating in the World Cup, then you can pray for those countries because God has a strong heart for them too.
    • The whole world in your hands: Use balloons and cover them with pieces of paper an glue. When they get dry, you will be able to draw anything... maybe Planet Earth? The kid may write the names of the countries they would like to visit and, of course, pray for them. Also, you can teach to kids that God gave the world to us to care and as a gift.

  • Activities in the Street:
    • Free Hug!: Hold up a big sign with "Free hugs!" Hug everybody who wants and tell them that Jesus really loves them. If anybody allows you, pray together (But be careful, don´t mix genders for hugging. Try to not let boys hug girls or vice versa).
    • Vaccination for Good Manners: Make a small vaccinations records card and approach people asking them if had ever been vaccinated with the "Good Manners". This will give you a chance to explain them about "Bad Manners" like bullying, physical and psychological abuse, violence, etc. Give them a candy as a "vaccination" (don´t vaccine anybody for real). If they agree, you can write down the name and the email of them in your vaccination records card to send what you have been praying for them. If the Holy Spirit allows this action, it is going to be a great tool to reach hearts wounded by abuse (Maybe is a good idea to dress up like doctors or nurses to give "the vaccination").

  • Questions? Please have a look at our FAQ

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