Look what we have!!!! Don´t stop sharing!
Please, don´t stop to send your ideas and what your are doing to get ready for the Kickoff. It could be a great idea for others!Our Argentinian brothers and sisters are coming to bless our land!
A días de viajar a Brasil como equipo de JUCUM KICKOFF Argentina... Nos tomamos con calma los planes de Dios! (To days to travel to Brazil as the YWAM Argentina´s KICKOFF team ... We are taking God´s plans in calm!)https://www.facebook.com/MinDeportesJucumItuzaingo
KICK MADASCAR OFF to Brazil & Beyond!! Madagascar YWAM team will come to Brazil:
56 young christians from Madagascar – KickOff Mada – are set and ready to impact Brazil and its visitors during the 2014 Soccer World Cup. Help them get here!
Thank you so much for your support and your interest!
... And Go On Madagascar team! God bless your heart, the work of your hands and your lifes!! GO To Brazil & BEYOND!!!!
Kick Madagascar off to Brazil & Beyond!

Take a look to the planes of our KICKOFF Team in Rio de Janeiro...
So great!!!!
KICKOFF Fashion from YWAM Rio de Janeiro.
Look what our Kickoff team from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) had developed for this World Cup...
Qual a sua Paixão? - What is your passion?
Let us know! We would love to know your ideas and coments!
Are you starting to design your teams uniform?
We received these pictures from Beverly.
She and her team, made some cupcakes and cookies in the States for fundraising to come to Brazil during this World Cup. They look so lovely and so YUMMY!!!!!~~~
Thanks guys for share your work!
Do you remember our intercession prayer points for the World Cup´s 32 nations?
Ivan, from Argentina, send some pictures (maybe you have already seen them in other posts on this blog) to show us how they are using this tool to pray for the nations. It´s so great!!!
We feel so excited every time we see these pictures and think there are more people praying for the healing of this land... And we wonder... how would God feel about all this????
Oh, yes... it´s an initial step... let´s keep moving!
Thanks Argentina to join in this prayer movement, we will cheer for you too during the World Cup! (well... maybe not very much... hahahaha)
Panama/USA Team
Look at this girls! They were a big difference in our work here in Belo Horizonte city. Check how was this time for them.
"Out of my month long trip to Brazil, the day that stands out the most is when my team had the opportunity to play soccer with some women from the brothels. When these ladies invited us to play soccer with them, we expected a small low key pick-up game. Instead, we found ourselves playing on a street (that we closed down) in the red light district with TV crews, radio stations, and news journalist taking pictures and interviewing us. In our matching uniforms, the “prostitutes” and the “Christians” became one team. On the field, the labels and shame we came with crumbled and we were just daughters who are loved by the most high King."
Lizzy Mann
"My time in
the prayer and worship room has been an experience that I will never forget. In
the top floor of a parking garage, there is a little makeshift room that is the
most wonderful sanctuary in the middle of such a dark place. We have spent a
lot of time there this past month, and I have really enjoyed it. I especially
loved staying all night in the prayer room and just spending time with Jesus.
It has been a blessing for me to lead worship during those times and I am so
honored to be a part of that ministry! It has challenged me to focus in on
hearing the voice of the Lord and spend intimate time with Him, even when it's
the middle of the night, making that sacrifice of sleep is so worth it!" Ashley McGrew
"We have gone to a local slum a few times to just hang out and have fun. We simply went with the purpose of loving on these kids who are so desperate for love. It's amazing how kids crave love and attention. In the environment they live in, these kids don't receive that much. While we are there, they are so open and receptive to love. They want to hold your hand, sit with you, play games with you, feel noticed, valued, and important. For kids, they don't need much to feel this way. It's the simple acts that mean the most to kids. Twice now while we have been there we have set up a TV and projector and watched the Brazil World Cup matches. It is so fun to watch with the community. Many people within the community gather around the screen to enjoy the game and company. One of the things that surprised me the most was these families that have nothing were buying snacks to eat during the game and sharing them with us. We came to bless them, but here they are offering what little they do have to us."
Lauren Biber
"After preparation and
training, our team joined YWAM workers in presenting the Libertodas curriculum
to teenagers in schools; the curriculum provided vital information about
different types of human trafficking and what students should do when
confronted with trafficking situations. During presentations,
as I watched how many teenagers were actively engaged, I truly sensed that God
was using this curriculum to make a difference in lives."
We're mobilizing people to PRAY!