Monday, May 19, 2014

12. Newsletter of Johan and Jeannette Lukasse

Screaming desperately, she ran through the multitude of people crossing one of the busiest intersections of the city, downtown Belo Horizonte. Dozens of shocked people watched as a big aggressive guy grabbed her and dragged her to the middle of the road. She screamed and kicked, but he was much too strong for her.

He put his big filthy hand over her mouth and muffled her screams. As he held her tightly, he looked menacingly towards the drivers who had just stopped for the red traffic light and watched the scene with horror. Most of the pedestrians passed quickly and turned to watch from a safe distance.

One man, however, decided to intervene and help. He pulled a revolver he had hidden on his back behind his belt, and started walking towards them….

Oh my, something was going terribly wrong! Rodolpho, one of the YWAM staff who was filming the scene, ran towards him, shouting: “No, no, this is not really happening--it’s just a drama!”

Irritated and still uncertain, the man looked at him.

“Seriously,” Rodolpho said, “we are drawing people’s attention to the fact that we shouldn’t ignore violence and abuse, but we should report it.”

The man still was not wholly convinced until he saw the shock on the faces of our two actors. Slowly he lowered his gun and put it away.

Behind the man and girl, a big banner was now held up, saying: “If you don’t report it, it won’t stop! Call 100!”

This happened last Saturday morning, when over 200 people from YWAM and various local churches were at the central city square to evangelize and to alert people about sexual exploitation. There was even a team from Holland. Johan and I were there together. How wonderful to be able to talk openly about the love of our heavenly Father and see how open people here in Brazil are to talk about God and faith!

Can I have the Good News too?
There were various other groups who performed dance and drama, and many people stopped to watch. We were able to pray for a number of people, and it was so encouraging to see that people would even come up to ask us for the tracts and literature we were handing out.

During these last months before the World Cup, we have organized various evangelistic events, to get really prepared for the big events during the World Cup. At each subsequent event, the number of young people from different churches who have joined us has increased, through their contagious enthusiasm.

We saw, however, that we have to be careful with some of the dramas--this one was almost too realistic, as the guy who was acting the part of the aggressor was almost killed by someone who was just passing by… Oh my! Of course, in the end it is a funny story, because it had a happy ending. But please be in prayer for the teams and people who will join us for the World Cup, that God will protect us and keep us safe.

During the World Cup there is a real possibility that there will be many demonstrations and protests. A large percentage of the Brazilian population is not very happy with the current government.  They believe that all the money spent on stadiums should have been spent on education and health care.

In the latest polls, the president, Dilma Rousseff, had only 37% approval. There will be presidential elections in October and she would like to be reelected for her second term, but she will need more than 37%. So she announced last week that she would raise the “Bolsa Familia,” a monthly benefit for the poorest families (36 million people), 3 dollars a month. But it remains doubtful if this will sway enough voters.

During the World Cup the eyes of the world will be on Brazil, and many people want to use this media attention to put pressure on the government through big organized protest marches on the streets. Unfortunately those marches often lead to violence and vandalism. Please pray for peace and against aggression and fighting.

Brazil has such a high violence and crime rate that foreign embassies and governments have published materials to educate tourists how to react when they suffer an assault in Brazil...

We would like to see the churches go in great numbers to the streets during the World Cup, because the presence of the people of God will cause the rates of crime and violence to decrease significantly. The devil doesn’t like us to go to the streets to evangelize and have people commit their lives to Jesus. So please pray with us that many churches will mobilize their people to go out.

Prayer for 32 Nations
Speaking of prayer, our team prepared a presentation with prayer points from each of the 32 nations that will participate in the World Cup. The focus is to pray against human trafficking and injustice in those countries. The presentation is already translated from English into Portuguese, Spanish and Korean. Thousands of people around the world are using it.  We would like to see it go viral and have thousands of churches and teams praying during the World Cup. Please download it and start using it too:

Weekly News on the Kickoff Blog!
We just created two blogs, in Portuguese and English, to help churches and teams in each of the 12 host cities of the World Cup. On those blogs you can find all kinds of suggestions for activities teams can do during the outreach. There is a page with downloads for printing tracts and materials to bring to the outreach.  Another page shows how to download portions of the Bible and the “Jesus” film on mobile phones. We will have a schedule of activities in Belo Horizonte and the other 11 cities. Other pages contain photos, videos and prayer needs.  We will post frequent updates during the World Cup.  Have a look at:

State government
Last week, Johan and one of our staff were invited to speak about human trafficking to the state government. They were able to describe everything we have been doing over the last few years against human trafficking and also about what still needs to be done, especially in preparing for the World Cup. It was all transmitted live on cable TV and on the internet. It went very well--Johan even had time to clarify that our programs are based on biblical values and to explain some key Scriptures. Those are great opportunities. We have also been able to give TV interviews, share on documentaries, and write for magazines. All these things help to bring the plight of human trafficking victims to the attention of an ever-widening public.

Praying in the Red Light Districts
In each of the 12 host cities for the World Cup, Exodus Cry has been able to rent a prayer room for 24/7 (twenty four hours a day, seven days a week) prayer in the downtown prostitution area. Churches and teams can sign up to participate. Exodus Cry is the organization that produced the documentary  “Nefarious,” a shocking account of the worldwide trade of women and children for sexual exploitation. This movie is a “must watch” for those who want to know more and be involved in combatting this crime. They recently produced another documentary on human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Brazil. We have been working closely together with Exodus Cry over the last few years.

Not Alone
Just a few more weeks and the World Cup will be upon us. This is a big task for us, as we are the National Coordinators for teams that will come through YWAM to participate in the outreaches in Brazil. Luckily we don’t have to do it on our own. We have a great team here in Belo Horizonte, and in the other 11 cities, there are additional YWAM coordinators/teams. And we know that many of you will participate in the army of prayer warriors. But above all, we know that God is with us and will guide and help us in everything.

Davi ‘s Dream
Davi, our youngest son with special needs, lives in Holland. He is a great soccer fan and has the opportunity to travel with a team from Holland to be with us for two-and-a-half weeks during the World Cup.  His kidney function has improved a lot; it is now around 50%, against all the expectations of the specialists--a real miracle! His doctors have released him to travel. This is fantastic, as his big dream is to be in Brazil during the World Cup. We are looking forward to having him with us for awhile.

We want to thank all of you who have been involved with us in any way over the last months. We wish you all God’s blessings,

Johan and Jeannette Lukasse

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

11. Johan´s Interview for GUIAME.

Hello friends!!

We want to share an interview Johan did for GUIAME.COM.BR, a Christian internet site here in Brazil, talking and explaining a little bit about Kickoff and the expectations we have for this World Cup.
Below you will find the translation of the original interview in Portuguese:

National Coordinator of Kickoff talks about the project of evangelization during the World Cup.

Launched in 2005, with the intent of planning and promoting evangelistic actions during the World Cup in Germany in 2006, Kickoff gained momentum and today continues to mobilize nations.

Leaders of mission agencies, international organizations and local churches are part of the project. After the World Cup in Germany, the team maintained contact and repeated the feat in South Africa and, similarly, the project will continue in Brazil.

Johan Lukasse, National Coordinator of Kickoff 2014, in an exclusive interview, told GUIAME how outreaches are being developed for the Brazilian World Cup host cities.

GUIAME: What brought you to Kickoff?

I am a member of the National Council of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and founder of YWAM in Belo Horizonte. The National Council has asked me to serve as National Coordinator of KICKOFF 2014.

GUIAME: Kickoff has existed since 2005 and has played a role in two World Cups (Germany and South Africa). What new strategies does the project bring to the World Cup in Brazil?

Since 1972, YWAM has been active at the Olympics and World Cups. In Germany we developed a strong partnership with the International Coalition of Sports, and here in Brazil we will continue this partnership, specifically with CBE (Coalition of Brazilian Sports). But there are also several other national movements with whom we are partnering, like the Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) and the project Play Fair and Love Brazil. 

I think the big news for this World Cup will be the emphasis we will place on human trafficking and sexual exploitation. We have several partners on this project, including (among others): 27 Million, Exodus Cry (they will do 24/7 prayer in each of the twelve World Cup cities), CBN, Operation Blessing, Jubilee Campaign, Happy Child, etc.

GUIAME: What is Kickoff’s action plan for the World Cup in Brazil?

In each city, YWAM and our partners will plan a strategy especially for that city, so teams from outside and local churches can choose from a variety of activities such as:

· Organize a "Mini World Cup" for children in the neediest neighborhoods;
· Work on awareness and intervention in the area of human trafficking, slavery and sexual exploitation;
· Proclaim the Gospel through drama and art;
· Pray for people and offer them a cup of water;

· Make an impact in the heavenly realms through intercession;
· Minister to street people and addicts;
· Extend the missions trip to an indigenous tribe;
· Reach people with medical and dental care;
· Participate in the 24/7 prayer houses;
· Share Bibles and the Jesus movie with people from nations with restricted access using mobile phones.

GUIAME: Are Brazilian churches interested and participating?

There is a growing interest as the Cup gets closer. In preparation, we did evangelism during the Confederations Cup last year, and several cities have planned outreaches during the months leading up to the Cup. In Belo Horizonte we have focused on evangelism during a few football (soccer) games in the first half of 2014, together with a big group of young people from local churches. I believe this group will only increase during the World Cup.

GUIAME: Is there much foreign participation? Are many volunteers coming from other countries?

We have several teams planning to come to Brazil for the World Cup. We’re still two months out, but I think we'll have around 500 teams coming from other countries with a of total 3,000 to 5,000 people.

GUIAME: What is the average age of the volunteers? Is there any age group that stands out in the Kickoff project?

The ages of the team members range between 16 and 50+. There’s no age restriction; however, those under 18 must be accompanied or have parental consent. We are expecting some King’s Kids teams, where whole families participate.

GUIAME: What is Kickoff’s expectation of the number of volunteers and number of people who will be reached by the Gospel message?

We believe that, on average, a person can speak with 5-20 people a day about Jesus. Multiplying that by the youth of the churches and the teams that are coming, we will reach literally millions of people with the Gospel. The 14th of July will be a Global Day of Evangelism, and Brazilian churches are already committed to mobilizing 10 million believers to the streets on this day.

GUIAME: What is your personal expectation of Kickoff at the World Cup in Brazil?

I believe it could be a great national and international mobilization. To have many teams from different countries coming to Brazil will increase the interest of Brazilians in international missions. I think, after the World Cup and the Olympics, Brazil can become a missionary-sending country like never before.

by Juliana Simioni

10. Some Updates!

Dear Friends,

Hope you are well and excited about the World Cup getting closer every day. How are you doing with preparation for this event? Are you getting ready?

We have been working a little bit in this stuff and want to share with you some of the things we have done so far in the YWAM base in Belo Horizonte. Hope you get some tips for your work here in Brazil!

Pré-Copa (Pre World Cup):

We are working in partnership with local churches doing evangelism around stadiums during some of the Copa LIBERTADORES games (which is the largest championship for South America´s football teams). We started on March 19th and repeated the action on April 9th in the MINEIRÃO Stadium and last saturday (May 10th) in the central square of the city called Praça Sete (Seven Squaare). 

We were a big group, around 300 people, with YWAM staff, DTS students, outreach groups and people from different churches of Belo Horizonte. We did a bit of everything: dramas against human traffic and sexual exploitation; handed out red card, had an intercession group giving out cup of water and gospel tracts; we took banners and balloons; and other things. 

It was really cool! We are scheduled to do this kind of evangelism for more football games before the World Cup begins, so we are well prepared. You can see the photos from our Kickoff on our Facebook following link: or in our photo gallery.

And speaking about Facebook, please, take a little time to visit our FB page, enjoying and sharing our posts about prayer. You can download the match schedule and the infographic "Imagine that." 

Share with your friends and help us to make this a viral communication!

And if you have a testimony to share, or photos to display about the outreaches you´re planning for KICKOFF, send them to us - we´ll put them on Facebook and / or in the YWAM Kickoff website. Share your photos and write your experiences! Don’t waste time! We want to hear from you!


Hélio, from King's Kids, wrote us: "The Gateway is the newest expression of King's Kids, mobilizing national and international teams to do missions worldwide. We want to take the opportunity of hosting the World Cup in Brazil and focus on countries that are coming here. But we also want to bless the Brazilian people that will stay "outside" of the Cup.

"We want to offer a “Gateway” conference in Estância Ávore da Vida, located in Sumaré – São Paulo, as part of training and outreach for the Cup, too. Although the date is towards the end of the championship, we are encouraging teams that will participate in our conference to go to Rio de Janeiro after the conference, where the final matches will be played. I believe everyone's eyes will be on Rio during the last week of the Cup.

“The teams we are inviting are not just King's Kids, but also DTS outreach teams, other missions organizations, churches, etc. The idea is that teams begin or finish their outreach with our conference. We’ll get teams to evangelize before, during and after the World Cup. For more information, write to, or visit our website: “.

Hope you get some tips from these plans we have developed or get some prayer points to guide your intercession for Kickoff 2014! 

We believe the important thing is to work together, united in one mind and one heart... Our Father God´s mind and heart!

Johan & Jeannette Lukasse.

Friday, May 2, 2014

09. Join LIBERTODOS!!!!

Dear all,

We are so grateful for all the people who are getting involved and putting their passion about Human Trafficking into action... Each one of them is a model for us and a reminder of God´s heart and His desire of freedom for all creation.

Michelle is one of these people who are passionate for God´s freedom. She has an incredibly strong heart for this issue... God placed in her heart the desire for people to know more about this injustice and give them tools to help prevent Human Trafficking.

She hadsbeen working hard to develop a program for schools to raise awareness about this tragic issue that affects many lives every day and it is closer to us than we tough...

If you have the same desire and passion against Human Trafficking, and you are able to work in schools during your stay in Brazil with your outreach teams, we want to present the tool Michelle designed to help increase the knowledge about this evil and the harm it causes.

"LIBERTODOS: Liberdade para Todos" (Freedom for all) includes material to teach about Human Trafficking Prevention. This program can be presented in 2 different formats: 1 class of 60 minutes or 3 classes of 45 minutes each. There is a complete kit that includes:
  • A manual for the lectures
  • A proposal to be submitted to the school administrators about sharing the lectures with students
  • A creative evaluation for students about the lectures and the program´s content
  • 3 simple videos of 1,5 minutes to be used during the lectures (also available
  • The audios of the 3 videos in case you want to present their content of them as skits or dramas
  • PowerPoint slides for lectures
  • Other supporting materials
The idea is to prepare your team to accomplish these presentations in the most practical way.

To receive Libertodos Kit (free), or to receive training in using the material, contact to or visit

Thank you for be standing with us during this significant time!!!

Daniela for the Kickoff team, Brazil

08. Do you have plans for the World Cup´s trophy tour?

The World Cup trophy, known as "A TAÇA" ("The Cup", in Portuguese), has finished the tour around the globe and is now doing a tour around the capital cities of Brazil.

It´s the first time Brazil will have a chance to see it. 27 Brazilian cities will host "A Taça" during a 41 days tour (

If you already are in Brazil preparing yourself and your teams to share the Gospel during the World Cup, this is a great chance to pull all the ideas you have been preparing into action.

On the other hand, if you are not here in Brazil yet, you can join anyways - trough prayer!

You can pray for the host cities using the calendar below. If you need more information on the cities, the staff of Exodus Cry  has collected information them and Brazil: (Also you can read a little bit more about them in our Kickoff webpage:

Let´s participate together for the healing of Brazil and all the nations!!!!

Daniela and the Kickoff team, Brazil

A Taça´s Brazil Tour:
22nd to 25th of April - Rio de Janeiro
26th & 27th of April - Porto Alegre
28th & 29th of April - Belo Horizonte
30th of April & 1st of May - Salvador
2nd of May - Cuiabá
3rd of May - Curitiba
4th of May - Florianópolis
6th of May - Campo Grande
7th of May - Goiânia
8th of May - Vitória
9th of May - Aracaju
10th of May - Maceió
11th of May - João Pessoa
13th of May - São Luis
14th of May - Palmas
15th of May - Macapá
16th of May - Boa Vista
17th of May - Rio Branco
18th of May - Porto Velho
19th of May - Manaus
20th of May - Belém
21st of May - Teresina
22nd of May - Natal
23rd & 24th of May - Recife
25th & 26th of May - Fortaleza
27th & 28th of May - Brasília
29th of May to 1st of June- São Paulo

07. An interesting trailer... would you like to have a look at it?

Dear friends,

We are receiving great news from friends all over the world who are working hard for Justice and the Redemption of this land.

Diego is the Anti-trafficking Programs Manager for Operation Blessing in Latin America.

Operation Blessing International (OBI: is a nonprofit humanitarian organization dedicated to demonstrating God’s love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world.

OBI provides strategic relief in 23 countries on a daily basis through core programs such as disaster relief, medical aid, hunger relief, vulnerable children and orphan care, clean water and community development.

Diego sent us the trailer of a documentary film he had made, which exposes child sex trafficking at the World Cup. This documentary will be realeased next month, but you can take a look to the trailer here:

Please watch and share this trailer, and of course, don´t stop praying for an end of these atrocious acts of injustice!

Thank you all of you for reading this daily updates and for supporting us with your heart and prayers.

God bless you all and keep you strong and awake in his Spirit!

Daniela and the Kickoff team, Brazil